P?g?ende og avsluttede masteroppgaver

Tabellen viser ledige masteroppgaver for informatikk: robotikk og intelligente systemer.

Oversikt over forskningsgruppene og tilh?rende masteroppgaver.

Sidetittel Publisert Student(er) Veileder(e)
A bioinspired colour vision sensor 14. mars 2011
An AER imager (Foveated Imager) 14. mars 2011
An AER silicon cochlea 14. mars 2011
Asynchronous Processing Units 14. mars 2011
Build an Attitude Determination System with the 4DSpace Sun Sensor 1. okt. 2019
CMOS - MEMS varaktor 14. mars 2011
Controlled introduction of Noise into integrate and fire neurons 14. mars 2011
Heart Rate Variability system 26. sep. 2017
Inductive power transmission for an implanted glucose sensor 14. mars 2011
Integrert MEMS filter 14. mars 2011
Langmuir Probe with 4DSpace Integrated Read-Out Circuit 1. okt. 2019
Low power analog to digital conversion (ADC) for an implanted glucose sensor 14. mars 2011
MEMS resonator 14. mars 2011
Mismatch Reduction in a Biologically Inspired Image Sensor 14. mars 2011
Mismatch calibration of a 1-bit time interleaved sampling architecture 23. sep. 2017
Muligheter og begrensninger for ? realisere en kompakt, tr?dl?s sensornode for bio-medisinske anvendelser 14. mars 2011
Multi-Level to Binary and Binary to Multi-Level Conversion with Recharge Semi-Floating Gates 14. mars 2011
Multi-frekvens power generator 14. mars 2011
Nevromorft kamera 14. mars 2011
Pixel-Parallel Analog to Digital Conversion CMOS Imager 25. sep. 2017
Robotic grippers using direct drive motors 3. okt. 2019
Sequential 3D Sensor Front-End and ADC 26. sep. 2017
Static Analog Memory for Learning 14. mars 2011
TD-lambda versus Learning by Search: Empirical study of two learning algorithms 14. mars 2011
Tracking Motion with an AER Imager and a Koala Robot 14. mars 2011